Jännerwein (formerly known as 'Bund Neuland') is an Austrian Neofolk Band from Salzburg, which began as the project of MaxKTG in 2005/06. In 2007, two new members joined (Benjamin Sperling and Peter Feldl) and the group was renamed to Jännerwein, inspired by the almost mythological figure of the Wildschütz Jennerwein. In april 2008 their first Album "Abendläuten" was released on Steinklang Records and a series of well-received performances (including Wave-Gotik Treffen 2009 and 2012, Summer Darkness 2010) began.
Discography by Jännerwein:
3 releases
Eine Hoffnung
Nach Der Sehnsucht
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Aphex Twin - Music From The Merch Desk (2016 - 2023) (2024)
Anders Manga - Crucified (2025) [Single]
Parralox - Holiday '24 (Expanded) (2025) [EP]
VA - After The Flames: A Benefit For Recovery - A Donation Compilation (2025)
Brotherhood - I Wear Death / Stay Away (2025) [Single]
Same Eyes - In Your Life (2025) [Single]
Crematory - Welt Aus Glas (2025) [Single]
Third Realm - Her Name Was Melancholia (2025)
Psyche - Unveiling The Secret (2025) [Remastered]
The Spoiled - Love Is Pain (Synthetic Mushdrum Remix) (2025) [Single]
Sixth June - Memories Of God (2025) [Single]
Phil Fortin - Nightwatchers (2025) [Single]
When The Roses Die - Poems & Lovetears (2025)
Vive La Fête - Les Sauvages (2025) [EP]
Aphex Twin - Music From The Merch Desk (2016 - 2023) (2024)
Anders Manga - Crucified (2025) [Single]
Parralox - Holiday '24 (Expanded) (2025) [EP]
VA - After The Flames: A Benefit For Recovery - A Donation Compilation (2025)
Brotherhood - I Wear Death / Stay Away (2025) [Single]
Same Eyes - In Your Life (2025) [Single]
Crematory - Welt Aus Glas (2025) [Single]
Third Realm - Her Name Was Melancholia (2025)
Psyche - Unveiling The Secret (2025) [Remastered]
The Spoiled - Love Is Pain (Synthetic Mushdrum Remix) (2025) [Single]
Sixth June - Memories Of God (2025) [Single]
Phil Fortin - Nightwatchers (2025) [Single]
When The Roses Die - Poems & Lovetears (2025)
Vive La Fête - Les Sauvages (2025) [EP]
Jännerwein - Eine Hoffnung (2015)
Jännerwein - Nach Der Sehnsucht (2011)
Jännerwein - Abendläuten (2008)
All Artists
All Styles
All Albums
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Tribal
Dark Electro, EBM, Harsh EBM, Oldschool EBM, Electro-Industrial
Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop, Minimal Wave, Minimal Synth, Synthwave
Gothic, Darkwave, Gothic Synth, Ethereal
Ambient, Dark Ambient
IDM, Experimental
Electronic, Electroclash, Electropunk, Downtempo, Witch House
Indie, New Wave, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Rock, Alternative Rock
Dark Folk, Neofolk, Martial Industrial, Neoclassical, Modern Classical
Gothic Rock, Death Rock
Post-Punk, Coldwave
Industrial Metal, NDH, Cyber Metal, Alternative / Modern Metal, Industrial Rock
Gothic Metal, Dark Metal, Doom / Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal
Admin tendria este album por favor
admin, Thank you so much. He was indeed a great friend,
HYPNAS, sorry about the loss of your friend... a concert for
Great Goth band !! Thanks !!
I love it !! THANKS !!
Finally (for today), there's an incredible band, Wallenberg,
admin,Okay! Cool. I don't remember exactly the entire list I
Excellent!! Thanks admin!
HYPNAS, yes of course, you can suggest a bands) I will also
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