Originating from France, Rémy Pelleschi as Mlada Fronta brings a variety of sounds to industrial electronics. Described as ranging from a haunting complex atmospheric sometime genuinely eerie creation to original techno-ish powernoise with hard hitting unusual drum beats, Mlada creates beats and ambience that are irresistible to dance to and beautiful to hear. Every listen of a Mlada album offers new gems and subtle sounds that you didn’t hear the last time! Mlada has achieved success from the start with the undeniable club hit (anthem even) XB-33, which can be heard at almost every club night. In 2002, Pelleschi branched out and started his own label Parametric, and has since released his latest Mlada album, a Mimetic album and a brilliant 3-CD compilation entitled QFG.
GaboGray54, I'm no expert but they are labeled as; Fly By
CHAMELEON, Why? This site uploads a lot of synth pop and EDM
GaboGray54, umm, I think you're at the wrong website for
admin, I used the site search engine, but I didn't find
Admin tendria este album por favor
admin, Thank you so much. He was indeed a great friend,
HYPNAS, sorry about the loss of your friend... a concert for
Great Goth band !! Thanks !!
I love it !! THANKS !!
Finally (for today), there's an incredible band, Wallenberg,
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