Red Lorry Yellow Lorry (commonly referred to simply as "The Lorries") is a post-punk band formed by guitarist/songwriter Chris Reed and vocalist Mark Sweeney, along with bassist Steve Smith and drummer Mick Brown (who would later join The Mission). Sweeney left the band in late 1981 and Reed permanently took over as vocalist, with Martin Fagan joining as a second guitarist. The group's sound, featuring a numbing guitar drone, powerfully throbbing drums, and Reed's cavernous vocal tones, caused the Lorries (as their fans came to call them) to be quickly lumped into the then-developing gothic rock scene by pop journalists, although the band themselves preferred to cite Killing Joke and Wire as influences. The use of a drum machine seems to have been a determining feature of bands coming out of Leeds, England (the Sisters of Mercy and The Three Johns are other examples).
Discography by Red Lorry Yellow Lorry: 10 releases
I don't remember if I've ever told you about a French band,
Another discovery, great band! Thanks DS !!!
New music!!!! 💿🎧
Another good discovery, this band sounds incredible
Could you please make the link accessible. I didn't get a
Thanks for Sheena, DS, a little ways from
Schirmherr Rudolfo
Die Russen singen bereits in unserer Sprache, ich denke, der
Schirmherr Rudolfo
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