Industrial Artists
Total artists: 2442
RXmodeNetherlandsElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
Rabia SordaMexicoEBM, Industrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 11
Radar Men From The MoonNetherlandsExperimental, Industrial, Psychedelic Rock⚠ Total releases: 10
Radio VampireUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Raison D'êtreSwedenDark Ambient, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 36
RamplinggItalyDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Randolph & MortimerUKEBM, Electro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 19
RandstadGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
RaoulNetherlandsHardcore, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Raphael KeplerBrazilDarkwave, Industrial, Minimal Wave⚠ Total releases: 2
RaudadlerUkraineEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Raul ParraSpainIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
RaumBelgiumAmbient, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
RavetopColombiaEBM, Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Raw AmbassadorItalyEBM, Industrial, Minimal Synth, TechnoTotal releases: 8
Ray NoirUKEBM, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 8
Reactor7xPolandDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Reakt[ion]USADark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
RealmzGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 9
Rebel YellAustraliaElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 6
Recht Auf RauschGermanyEBM, Industrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 4
Recluse FireBrazilElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Rector ScannerGermanyEBM, Futurepop, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 7
Red CellSwedenEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Red DeviilMexicoEBM, Industrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 9
Red IndustrieMexicoEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 35
Red LokustUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Red-LineGreeceEBM, Industrial, TBMTotal releases: 1
RedmoreFranceHardcore, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
RegulärRussiaIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
ReinFranceEBM, Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
RenderedGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
RendererColombiaElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
RenonceCanadaDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
ReplicaessemblerUSAIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 2
ReptilicusGermanyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
ResistorColombiaEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
ResonaidPolandElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 6
Restive PlaggonaGreeceDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 22
ResurgentiumMexicoEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
RetConStructUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
RetiredOrphanUSADrum and Bass, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Retrograde YouthColombiaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
RetrogrammeUSAEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
RetrograthSwedenIndustrial, Minimal Wave, Post-PunkTotal releases: 13
RetrovisorBoliviaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Return Of The LudditesFranceElectroclash, Electropunk, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
ReutoffSwedenDark Ambient, Darkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
ReviziaRussiaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Rewir3dUSAElectronic, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
RhunæGermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 4
Rhys FulberUSAEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 14
Richard GoldfinchSwitzerlandElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Rien VirguleFranceExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Rio GoldhammerUKIndustrial, Minimal Wave, Post-PunkTotal releases: 2
RiotmilooUKIndustrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 3
Riots On RewindUSAIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Rites Of FallPolandIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Rites Of PassageNetherlandsDark Ambient, Industrial, Tribal IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Robert GörlGermanyEBM, Industrial, New WaveTotal releases: 1
Robert LoganUKAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 12
Robert RentalUKExperimental, Industrial, Minimal Wave, Post-PunkTotal releases: 2
Robot KochUSAAmbient, Downtempo, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
RoboticonSlovakiaEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
RobouroborosCanadaEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 13
RoijackerFranceElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Ron MorelliUSADark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 11
RonobeSwedenElectronic, Industrial, Witch HouseTotal releases: 1
Room Of WiresUKAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 12
Rosa DamaskGermanyDarkwave, Industrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 2
Rotting ProjectSouth KoreaEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Roxane BarrowFranceIndustrial, Minimal Wave, Post-PunkTotal releases: 1
Royb0tUSABreakcore, Electro-Industrial, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
RoügeFranceEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Rubén SeoaneSpainIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Ruin The MindUSADarkwave, Industrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
RuinizerUKDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
RumunijaLithuaniaIndustrial, Neofolk, Post-PunkTotal releases: 1
RynzlerItalyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Ryuji TakeuchiJapanIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
RødhådGermanyAmbient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 14
RōninItalyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
S S S SSwitzerlandDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 11
S.ErnstRussiaIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
S.I.N.AGermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 5
S.K.E.T.GermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 5
SFRMHLItalyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
SHHGRRSpainIndustrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 8
SHXCXCHCXSHSwedenExperimental, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 15
SINthetik MessiahUSAAmbient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
SKNUSAIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
SNDHungaryEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
SNTSGermanyAmbient, Industrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 20
STCLVRUSAIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 15
STKKPUSAAmbient, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
STRVKTVRRussiaIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 1
SVØNDGermanyDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
SWARMUSAElectro, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
Sa BruxaGermanyDark Ambient, Dungeon Synth, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
SabaSabaItalyIndustrialTotal releases: 3

![Reakt[ion] image](/uploads/artists/image_reaktion.jpg)

Yes! You make an old man very happy :)
Thanks admin! Could you please upload the band Тяжкие Думы?
Admin, Do you happen to have anything by Nexus VI?
Couldnt agree with you more...
Will the links be working soon for this?
An underrated band with unstoppable melodies like others
I discovered this band in 1985 on an incredible compilation
For two decades, COIL, an innovative band, has continued to
Admin, Thank you for this!!
Admin tendra este single por favor
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