Sometime around the winter of 2008, on a dark stormy night in the gray city of Milan, Army of the Universe are born. From the mind and synthesizers of Techno/Trance producer Albert Vorne (aka Trebla) and from the powerful voice of Lord K (Lead singer of Kult of the Skull God). The band today finalised by the distorted, weeping and power-driven guitars of Davil AOU’s takes inspiration from the experiments of the 80's electro-rock, fuelled with the futuristic re-interpratations of rocking 6 strings on top of twisted electronic landscapes and the collisons of sound of the end of the millennia. The sound lays upon anaolg synths in a fusion with blade-like guitars, speeding around echoes of 80's metal, flirting with backgrounds of British school electronica, new wave and techno beats.
Awesome! I've been looking for this band for a long time!
admin, Won-der-ful !!! Thank you so much !!!!
Thanks for all discography DS !!! 💿👊🏻💥
Excellent!!!! 💿🎧
Thanks for sharing!!!! 🎧👌🏻
Yeah, I've been limiting it to a week so I don't miss
admin, oh perfect, thanks DS
Only this function has a limitation - it displays a maximum
CHAMELEON, I checked on bandcamp - yes, there is a Volume 2.
DS, had this any other volumes?
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