Industrial Artists

Total artists: 2444
Industrie 67 imageIndustrie 67GermanyEBM, Industrial, TranceTotal releases: 2
Industriegebiet imageIndustriegebietGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Industriepalast imageIndustriepalastGermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Infact imageInfactGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Infecticide imageInfecticideFranceEBM, Industrial, New WaveTotal releases: 3
Infekktion imageInfekktionGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Infra Black imageInfra BlackSwedenDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Infra Revox imageInfra RevoxGermanyEBM, Futurepop, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Inglawt imageInglawtSpainEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Inhalt Der Nacht imageInhalt Der NachtGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Inlegion imageInlegionSwedenIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 3
Innovative imageInnovativeNetherlandsHardcore, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Innsu imageInnsuNetherlandsDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Innsyter imageInnsyterBrazilEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Insatiable Void imageInsatiable VoidUSAIndustrial, Witch HouseTotal releases: 5
Insect Skin imageInsect SkinGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Insekt imageInsektBelgiumEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Inside Blur imageInside BlurCanadaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Institute For The Criminally Insane imageInstitute For The Criminally InsaneDenmarkEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Intensive Care imageIntensive CareUSAIndustrial, Power Electronics, Sludge Metal⚠ Total releases: 1
Interactive imageInteractiveGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Interdictor imageInterdictorSwedenEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Internazionale imageInternazionaleDenmarkAmbient, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Into The Pale Abyss imageInto The Pale AbyssCanadaEBM, Electro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 6
Introflirt imageIntroflirtUSAIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 2
Introspect Void imageIntrospect VoidUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Intrusive Pinky imageIntrusive PinkyUSAEBM, Industrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 1
Invalidname imageInvalidnameAustraliaDark Ambient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Invasion Of Female Logic imageInvasion Of Female LogicGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Invisible Asps imageInvisible AspsUSAIndustrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 5
Invisible Church imageInvisible ChurchGermanyAmbient, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Involucija imageInvolucijaGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Ira-K Organisation imageIra-K OrganisationItalyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Ireen Amnes imageIreen AmnesUKAmbient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
Irklis imageIrklisGermanyIndustrialTotal releases: 2
Iron imageIronSpainEBM, Industrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 2
Iron Court imageIron CourtItalyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Isiah Zombie imageIsiah ZombieUSAIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
Isiolia imageIsioliaCzech RepublicDarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Iszoloscope imageIszoloscopeCanadaDark Ambient, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 18
It-Clings imageIt-ClingsUSAIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Ivoux imageIvouxUSAEthereal, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
JK Flesh imageJK FleshUKDub, Experimental, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 23
JT Whitfield imageJT WhitfieldUSADark Ambient, Industrial, Power Electronics, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 11
Jacopo Rosi imageJacopo RosiItalyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Jarboe imageJarboeUSADarkwave, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 15
Jason Alacrity imageJason AlacrityUSAEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Jasss imageJasssSpainIndustrial, Minimal Synth, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Jean Bruce imageJean BruceBelgiumEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Jenasi imageJenasiIndonesiaBreakbeat, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Jenna Leigh-Raine imageJenna Leigh-RaineUSAElectronic, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Jerome imageJeromeUKDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Jessica Vale imageJessica ValeUSADarkwave, Gothic Rock, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 5
Jesus Complex imageJesus ComplexGermanyDarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Jeweled Snakes imageJeweled SnakesUSADarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Jhonny Box imageJhonny BoxRussiaEBM, Futurepop, IndustrialTotal releases: 9
Jihad imageJihadUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Joan Spinell imageJoan SpinellUSAIndustrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 1
Joe The Mutant imageJoe The MutantUSAExperimental, Industrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 3
Joel Eel imageJoel EelCanadaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
John 3:16 imageJohn 3:16USADark Ambient, Experimental, Industrial, Post-MetalTotal releases: 6
John Fryer imageJohn FryerUKDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Johnny Hollow imageJohnny HollowCanadaDarkwave, Gothic, IndustrialTotal releases: 9
Jon Linskey imageJon LinskeyUSAExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Jordan Reyne imageJordan ReyneUKDark Folk, Darkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Jostronamer imageJostronamerAustraliaIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Joy Of Life imageJoy Of LifeGermanyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Junkdrawer imageJunkdrawerUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Junksista imageJunksistaGermanyElectronic, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 22
K-Bereit imageK-BereitFranceEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
K-Ora imageK-OraUSAAmbient, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
KHLD imageKHLDEgyptDark Ambient, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
KMFDM imageKMFDMGermanyElectronic, Industrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
KRSSV imageKRSSVArgentinaEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
KSMS imageKSMSNetherlandsIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
KYMAVR imageKYMAVRSwedenIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Kaibun imageKaibunGermanyIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Kalte Liebe imageKalte LiebeGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 10
Kammarheit imageKammarheitSwedenDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Kanga imageKangaUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Kant Kino imageKant KinoNorwayEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 9
Kaos Karma imageKaos KarmaFranceDarkwave, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 12
Kaos-Frequenz imageKaos-FrequenzGermanyDark Electro, Harsh EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Karim Maas imageKarim MaasUKIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Karkossyn imageKarkossynUKBreakbeat, Dark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Karl D'Silva imageKarl D'SilvaUKIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 2
Karl Runau imageKarl RunauGermanyExperimental, Industrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 3
Karolina Bnv imageKarolina BnvGermanyElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Katerie imageKaterieUSAIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Katran imageKatranSerbiaIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Keef Baker imageKeef BakerUKAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 9
Keen K. imageKeen K.GermanyIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Keepsakes imageKeepsakesNew ZealandIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Kein Montag imageKein MontagBrazilEBM, Industrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 5
Keldin imageKeldinRussiaDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Ken Fury imageKen FuryUSAIndustrialTotal releases: 5
Ken Hiwatt Marshall imageKen Hiwatt MarshallCanadaExperimental, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Kenny Campbell imageKenny CampbellUKEBM, Industrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 4
Ketvector imageKetvectorItalyElectronic, Experimental, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Kevlar imageKevlarUKIndustrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 3
«1...7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15... 25»
No Tears - Obsessions (2008)
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
Second Idol - Postcolonial Blues (2025) [Single]
VA - The Bristol And Bath Pop Explosion - The 80's (2025)
Larva - Prescindibles (2025)
Me & Melancholy - Naive (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
No Tears - Obsessions (2008)
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
Second Idol - Postcolonial Blues (2025) [Single]
VA - The Bristol And Bath Pop Explosion - The 80's (2025)
Larva - Prescindibles (2025)
Me & Melancholy - Naive (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
All Artists
All Styles
All Albums
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Tribal
Dark Electro, EBM, Harsh EBM, Oldschool EBM, Electro-Industrial
Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop, Minimal Wave, Minimal Synth, Synthwave
Gothic, Darkwave, Gothic Synth, Ethereal
Ambient, Dark Ambient
IDM, Experimental
Electronic, Electroclash, Electropunk, Downtempo, Witch House
Indie, New Wave, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Rock, Alternative Rock
Dark Folk, Neofolk, Martial Industrial, Neoclassical, Modern Classical
Gothic Rock, Death Rock
Post-Punk, Coldwave
Industrial Metal, NDH, Cyber Metal, Alternative / Modern Metal, Industrial Rock
Gothic Metal, Dark Metal, Doom / Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal