Industrial Artists

Total artists: 2439
Friedemann Kootz imageFriedemann KootzGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Front 242 imageFront 242BelgiumEBM, IDM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 73
Front Line Assembly imageFront Line AssemblyCanadaEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Frontier Guards imageFrontier GuardsCzech RepublicEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Frontrunner imageFrontrunnerBrazilEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Frozen Innards imageFrozen InnardsUSAExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Ftshsm imageFtshsmRussiaDarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Fuedal imageFuedalUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Fumi imageFumiNetherlandsIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Funker Vogt imageFunker VogtGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 65
Fusspils 11 imageFusspils 11GermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Fuze Box Machine imageFuze Box MachineBelgiumEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
G.G.F.H. imageG.G.F.H.USAElectro-Industrial, IndustrialTotal releases: 11
G.H.T imageG.H.TSwedenDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
GLYF imageGLYFColombiaIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 4
GabeeN imageGabeeNHungaryIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Galaktyka Mięsa imageGalaktyka MięsaPolandExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gamlaskatten imageGamlaskattenGermanyEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Gamma Intel imageGamma IntelNetherlandsElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Gamma Knife imageGamma KnifeUKExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gaping Chasm imageGaping ChasmCzech RepublicEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Gareth Davis imageGareth DavisNetherlandsDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gasoline imageGasolineJapanColdwave, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gasoline Invertebrate imageGasoline InvertebrateUSADark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gatto Nero imageGatto NeroBelgiumEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Gaytron imageGaytronGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gazelle Twin imageGazelle TwinUKAmbient, Darkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 26
Geistech imageGeistechMexicoEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 26
Geistform imageGeistformSpainIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 15
Gen-ZX imageGen-ZXGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge imageGenesis Breyer P-OrridgeUSADarkwave, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 1
Genetic Disorder imageGenetic DisorderGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Geneviève Pasquier imageGeneviève PasquierGermanyIndustrial, Minimal, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 13
Geniale Dilletanten imageGeniale DilletantenGermanyDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gentleman Junkie imageGentleman JunkieUSAEBM, Futurepop, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 4
German Army imageGerman ArmyUSAExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Germolover imageGermoloverItalyIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
Ghost Twin imageGhost TwinCanadaDarkwave, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 2
Giant Swan imageGiant SwanUKIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Gidia imageGidiaGreeceDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gillian Dream imageGillian DreamUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Gin Devo imageGin DevoBelgiumEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gio Orlando imageGio OrlandoUSAExperimental, Industrial, NeofolkTotal releases: 9
Glenn Wallis imageGlenn WallisUKExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Glitter Nemesis imageGlitter NemesisUKIndustrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 2
Gloom Haze imageGloom HazeArgentinaDarkwave, Industrial, Witch House⚠ Total releases: 2
Gnosis Et Stasis imageGnosis Et StasisUSAExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gnostic Gorilla imageGnostic GorillaCanadaIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 4
Go Fight imageGo FightUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 22
God Destruction imageGod DestructionMexicoDark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 13
Godkomplex imageGodkomplexUSAEBM, Electro-Industrial, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Gogi imageGogiUSAElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Gonçalo Salgado imageGonçalo SalgadoPortugalIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Goth Trad imageGoth TradUKDub, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Gothika imageGothikaJapanEBM, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 3
Graave imageGraaveBrazilIndustrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 8
Grabyourface imageGrabyourfaceIrelandDarkwave, Industrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 9
Graceskull imageGraceskullFinlandIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 1
Grand Mal X imageGrand Mal XSwedenExperimental, Industrial, Minimal WaveTotal releases: 6
Grasp Logic imageGrasp LogicUSADark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Grauraum imageGrauraumGermanyAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Grausame Töchter imageGrausame TöchterGermanyDarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Green Hologhost imageGreen HologhostSpainElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Grey Branches imageGrey BranchesBelgiumIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Greyhead imageGreyheadChileIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Greyhound imageGreyhoundGermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 9
Gridlock imageGridlockUSAIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
Grief Christ imageGrief ChristPolandDarkwave, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 2
Grosso Gadgetto imageGrosso GadgettoFranceAmbient, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Ground To Dust imageGround To DustUSAAmbient, EBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 11
Grímr imageGrímrFranceDarkwave, Industrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 3
Guro imageGuroUSADarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Gustaf Hildebrand imageGustaf HildebrandSwedenDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Gutenberg imageGutenbergJapanIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
H.e.e.l. imageH.e.e.l.Czech RepublicEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
H6LLB6ND6R imageH6LLB6ND6RUSADream Pop, Industrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 3
HAEX imageHAEXUSAEBM, Industrial, Industrial MetalTotal releases: 3
HATE FUELED MACH1NE imageHATE FUELED MACH1NEUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
HKKPTR imageHKKPTRGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Hackedepicciotto imageHackedepicciottoGermanyExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Hackitt imageHackittAustraliaIndustrial, Minimal Wave, Post-PunkTotal releases: 8
Hadewych imageHadewychNetherlandsDark Ambient, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Hadone imageHadoneFranceIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Haedzor imageHaedzorGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Haeminum imageHaeminumFranceIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Hagen's Brut imageHagen's BrutGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Halava Pistachio imageHalava PistachioRussiaBreakbeat, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Hall Of Violence imageHall Of ViolenceGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 14
HanZ AciD imageHanZ AciDGermanyEBM, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 3
Hands Rendered Useless imageHands Rendered UselessUSAIndustrial, NoiseTotal releases: 1
Handsome Abominations imageHandsome AbominationsUSAIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 3
Hardpot imageHardpotSwedenEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Harsh Out imageHarsh OutIrelandIndustrialTotal releases: 5
Harsh R imageHarsh RUSAEBM, Industrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 5
Hatari imageHatariIcelandEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Haujobb imageHaujobbGermanyEBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 36
Haul imageHaulSwedenIndustrial, Post-Punk, ShoegazeTotal releases: 1
Haunted Horses imageHaunted HorsesUSAIndustrial, Post-Hardcore, Post-PunkTotal releases: 8
Haus Arafna imageHaus ArafnaGermanyIndustrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 15
Hazmat For Humanity imageHazmat For HumanityUSAElectro-Industrial, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
«1...5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13... 25»
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Das Beat - Frau Fatal (2025)
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
Forever Grey - Into The Night (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
VA - Popaganda (2025)
Vive La Fête - Les Sauvages (2025) [EP]
The Funeral March Of The Marionettes - It All Falls Apart (2025)
When The Roses Die - Poems & Lovetears (2025)
SURE. - Destruction Of Form (2025)
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Das Beat - Frau Fatal (2025)
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
Forever Grey - Into The Night (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
VA - Popaganda (2025)
Vive La Fête - Les Sauvages (2025) [EP]
The Funeral March Of The Marionettes - It All Falls Apart (2025)
When The Roses Die - Poems & Lovetears (2025)
SURE. - Destruction Of Form (2025)
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
All Artists
All Styles
All Albums
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Tribal
Dark Electro, EBM, Harsh EBM, Oldschool EBM, Electro-Industrial
Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop, Minimal Wave, Minimal Synth, Synthwave
Gothic, Darkwave, Gothic Synth, Ethereal
Ambient, Dark Ambient
IDM, Experimental
Electronic, Electroclash, Electropunk, Downtempo, Witch House
Indie, New Wave, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Rock, Alternative Rock
Dark Folk, Neofolk, Martial Industrial, Neoclassical, Modern Classical
Gothic Rock, Death Rock
Post-Punk, Coldwave
Industrial Metal, NDH, Cyber Metal, Alternative / Modern Metal, Industrial Rock
Gothic Metal, Dark Metal, Doom / Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal