Industrial Artists

Total artists: 2444
Tscheljabinsk65 imageTscheljabinsk65GermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Tumor imageTumorGermanyEBM, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 6
Tunnels Of Āh imageTunnels Of ĀhUKDark Ambient, Industrial, NoiseTotal releases: 6
Turbund Sturmwerk imageTurbund SturmwerkGermanyDark Ambient, Industrial, Martial IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Turvia imageTurviaArgentinaExperimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Twilight Shine imageTwilight ShineRussiaDark Ambient, Dungeon Synth, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Twin Sister imageTwin SisterNetherlandsExperimental, Industrial, Psychedelic Rock⚠ Total releases: 1
Tzusing imageTzusingUAEEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
Tábor Radosti imageTábor RadostiCzech RepublicDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Tårne Spirer imageTårne SpirerDenmarkDarkwave, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Tüchters Letztes Gefecht imageTüchters Letztes GefechtGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
U-Manoyed imageU-ManoyedGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
U-Tek imageU-TekGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
UCNX imageUCNXUSAEBM, Industrial, Industrial Rock⚠ Total releases: 19
UF imageUFGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
UNMUT imageUNMUTGermanyDark Ambient, Gothic Rock, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
USA Nails imageUSA NailsUSA. UKIndustrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 1
Uberbyte imageUberbyteUKDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 12
Ufaze imageUfazeUKElectro, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Ugandan Methods imageUgandan MethodsGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Ulterior imageUlteriorUKIndustrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 6
Ultimate Soldier imageUltimate SoldierUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Ultra imageUltraGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Umbral imageUmbralSpainIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Umbral Flashes imageUmbral FlashesUkraineDark Electro, Harsh EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Umwelt imageUmweltFranceIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
UnHappy imageUnHappyUKIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Unconscious imageUnconsciousGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 16
Undermathic imageUndermathicPolandAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Unhuman imageUnhumanGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 12
Uniform imageUniformUSAExperimental, Industrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 7
Unitcode:Machine imageUnitcode:MachineUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 13
Unter Null imageUnter NullUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 11
UnterART imageUnterARTGermanyEBM, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 3
Upsetter imageUpsetterUSAEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Uran Bator imageUran BatorRussiaEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Urban Matrix imageUrban MatrixGermanyEBM, Industrial, New BeatTotal releases: 19
Uromuro Namashiro imageUromuro NamashiroJapanColdwave, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Uzhur imageUzhurFranceIndustrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 1
V01d imageV01dCanadaBreakbeat, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
VIELD imageVIELDPolandElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
VOIDBOX imageVOIDBOXAustraliaDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
VTSS imageVTSSIcelandIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 11
VVounds imageVVoundsUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Vacio Negro imageVacio NegroSpainDarkwave, Industrial, Post-PunkTotal releases: 1
Vacuum(x) imageVacuum(x)HungaryDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Valentin Mase imageValentin MaseItalyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Vampire Rodents imageVampire RodentsUSAIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 6
Vampire Sister imageVampire SisterUSADarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Van Roy Asylum imageVan Roy AsylumRussiaDark Electro, EBM, Industrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 10
Varg imageVargDenmarkDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Vargdöd imageVargdödSwedenDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Vatican Shadow imageVatican ShadowGermanyDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 39
Ved Skyka imageVed SkykaUKIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Veil imageVeilFranceDark Ambient, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Veiled God imageVeiled GodGermanyDark Electro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 8
Vein Data imageVein DataCzech RepublicIndustrial, Post-Punk, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Veiveris imageVeiverisLithuaniaEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Velax imageVelaxRussiaEBM, Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 11
Vellocinate imageVellocinateUSADarkwave, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 1
Velvet Acid Christ imageVelvet Acid ChristUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 29
Velvet May imageVelvet MayGermanyEBM, Industrial, Industrial Rock, Techno⚠ Total releases: 6
Veneno Para Las Hadas imageVeneno Para Las HadasMexicoDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Venera imageVeneraUSAElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Venus In Aries imageVenus In AriesUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Venus Volcanism imageVenus VolcanismGreeceDarkwave, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 4
Vera Grace imageVera GraceGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Verdant Grey imageVerdant GreyUSAAmbient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Verin imageVerinUSADark Ambient, Drum and Bass, Industrial, Witch HouseTotal releases: 2
Verset Zero imageVerset ZeroFranceEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 12
Versuscode imageVersuscodeItalyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Veslemes imageVeslemesGreeceElectronic, Experimental, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
Vexillary imageVexillaryUSAEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 12
Vibranz imageVibranzColombiaElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
VickVapors imageVickVaporsUSADarkwave, EBM, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 3
Viernes Y Furia imageViernes Y FuriaSpainElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Viktor Kalima imageViktor KalimaItalyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Vile Flesh imageVile FleshRussiaDarkwave, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 4
Vilkduja imageVilkdujaLithuaniaIndustrial, Neofolk, Post-PunkTotal releases: 13
Vina Konda imageVina KondaFranceExperimental, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Vincent Black OST imageVincent Black OSTRussiaElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Vinnie Camilleri imageVinnie CamilleriUKDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Violent Entity imageViolent EntityGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Violent Resistance imageViolent ResistanceItalyIndustrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 1
Violet Poison imageViolet PoisonGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 11
Violet Void imageViolet VoidUSAEBM, Industrial, Industrial MetalTotal releases: 6
Virgin Birth imageVirgin BirthUSAEBM, Industrial, Industrial Rock⚠ Total releases: 4
Virtual Embrace imageVirtual EmbraceGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Viscera Drip imageViscera DripUSAIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Visions In Black imageVisions In BlackUSADark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Vittorio Di Mango imageVittorio Di MangoFranceEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Vladyslav Putistin imageVladyslav PutistinUkraineEBM, Industrial, Techno⚠ Total releases: 2
Void New World imageVoid New WorldUSAIDM, Industrial, Modern ClassicalTotal releases: 8
Voidblaster imageVoidblasterAustraliaDarksynth, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Voidloss imageVoidlossUKIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 21
Voidnet imageVoidnetUkraineAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Vol. A.D. imageVol. A.D.RussiaDark Electro, Harsh EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 22
Volition Immanent imageVolition ImmanentNetherlandsEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Volt 9000 imageVolt 9000CanadaElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Vomito Negro imageVomito NegroBelgiumEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 15
No Tears - Obsessions (2008)
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
Second Idol - Postcolonial Blues (2025) [Single]
VA - The Bristol And Bath Pop Explosion - The 80's (2025)
Larva - Prescindibles (2025)
Me & Melancholy - Naive (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
No Tears - Obsessions (2008)
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
Second Idol - Postcolonial Blues (2025) [Single]
VA - The Bristol And Bath Pop Explosion - The 80's (2025)
Larva - Prescindibles (2025)
Me & Melancholy - Naive (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
All Artists
All Styles
All Albums
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Tribal
Dark Electro, EBM, Harsh EBM, Oldschool EBM, Electro-Industrial
Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop, Minimal Wave, Minimal Synth, Synthwave
Gothic, Darkwave, Gothic Synth, Ethereal
Ambient, Dark Ambient
IDM, Experimental
Electronic, Electroclash, Electropunk, Downtempo, Witch House
Indie, New Wave, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Rock, Alternative Rock
Dark Folk, Neofolk, Martial Industrial, Neoclassical, Modern Classical
Gothic Rock, Death Rock
Post-Punk, Coldwave
Industrial Metal, NDH, Cyber Metal, Alternative / Modern Metal, Industrial Rock
Gothic Metal, Dark Metal, Doom / Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal