Industrial Artists

Total artists: 2442
All The Ashes imageAll The AshesGermanyEBM, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 8
Alld33333 imageAlld33333ParaguayElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Alles imageAllesPolandColdwave, Industrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 4
Almax Und Forte imageAlmax Und ForteGermanyElectro, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Alphane Reality Generator imageAlphane Reality GeneratorUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Alpturer imageAlpturerUKIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
Alter Der Ruine imageAlter Der RuineUSAEBM, Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, SynthpopTotal releases: 16
Alterity imageAlterityUSAIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 1
Am Tierpark imageAm TierparkDenmarkIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 1
Amalgamated Cadaver imageAmalgamated CadaverUSADark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Ambassador21 imageAmbassador21BelarusIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Amelia Arsenic imageAmelia ArsenicUKElectronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Amiture imageAmitureUSAIndustrial, Post-Punk, Trip-HopTotal releases: 1
Amnistia imageAmnistiaGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 21
Among The Weeds imageAmong The WeedsUSADarkwave, Gothic Rock, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
AnD imageAnDUKElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Anadyr imageAnadyrSwedenDarkwave, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 5
Analfabetism imageAnalfabetismSwedenDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Analogue Blood imageAnalogue BloodUKEBM, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Anarchotech imageAnarchotechUSAIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Anatoly Grinberg imageAnatoly GrinbergGermanyIDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Ancient Methods imageAncient MethodsGermanyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 20
And Then You Die imageAnd Then You DieFinlandIndustrial, Industrial RockTotal releases: 16
Andariel imageAndarielUKIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Andi imageAndiUSAEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Andreas Davids imageAndreas DavidsGermanyAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 14
Andreas Gehm imageAndreas GehmGermanyElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Android Lust imageAndroid LustUSADarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 14
André Uhl imageAndré UhlGermanyDark Ambient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Anetha imageAnethaDenmarkElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 5
Angel imageAngelCanadaIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Angel Of Dust imageAngel Of DustSwedenDarkwave, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Angel Of Violence imageAngel Of ViolenceUSADark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Angel Theory imageAngel TheoryAustraliaEBM, Industrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 18
Angels On Acid imageAngels On AcidUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Angelspit imageAngelspitUSAAmbient, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 6
Anima Mundi imageAnima MundiCzech RepublicDark Ambient, Industrial, Tribal IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Annie Anxiety Bandez imageAnnie Anxiety BandezUSAIndustrial, New WaveTotal releases: 1
Another Cold Summer imageAnother Cold SummerUSADarkwave, EBM, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 5
Ansome imageAnsomeFranceIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Antaios Nocturne imageAntaios NocturneGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Anthony And The Mountain imageAnthony And The MountainUSAIndustrial, SynthpopTotal releases: 4
Anti-Mechanism imageAnti-MechanismUSADark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Antigen Shift imageAntigen ShiftCanadaDark Ambient, IDM, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 15
Antikatechon imageAntikatechonItalyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Antoine Saint-Martin imageAntoine Saint-MartinGermanyAmbient, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Antoni Maiovvi imageAntoni MaiovviGermanyEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Any Questions? imageAny Questions?USAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Any Second imageAny SecondGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 8
Apex Parasite imageApex ParasiteGermanyIndustrial, Power Electronics⚠ Total releases: 2
Aphexia imageAphexiaGermanyDark Ambient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Apoptose imageApoptoseGermanyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Apostrop imageApostropSlovakiaAmbient, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Arcane Objective imageArcane ObjectiveUSAIndustrialTotal releases: 2
Archetype imageArchetypeNetherlandsIndustrial, Trip-HopTotal releases: 1
Architect imageArchitectGermanyExperimental, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Architrav imageArchitravGermanyDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Archon Of The Fairlight imageArchon Of The FairlightUSAEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Arian 1 imageArian 1PeruEBM, Futurepop, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Ariisk imageAriiskUSAEBM, Industrial, Minimal SynthTotal releases: 2
Arise-X imageArise-XGermanyDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Arithmik imageArithmikItalyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 3
Armageddon Dildos imageArmageddon DildosGermanyEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 26
Art Noir imageArt NoirGermanyDark Ambient, Darkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Artcore Machine imageArtcore MachineItalyIDM, Industrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 9
Artefakto imageArtefaktoMexicoEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Artie Cabrera imageArtie CabreraUSAElectro, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Artifact Corruption imageArtifact CorruptionUSADark Electro, IndustrialTotal releases: 10
Artificial Conformity imageArtificial ConformityBrazilIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 7
Arx Kaeli imageArx KaeliGermanyAmbient, IDM, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 2
As Able As Kane imageAs Able As KaneUKEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 6
Asche imageAscheGermanyIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 1
Ashtrayhead imageAshtrayheadUKEBM, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
Aslan Faction imageAslan FactionUKDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Asseptic Room imageAsseptic RoomSpainDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 4
Astral Visions Studios imageAstral Visions StudiosUSAIndustrial, Witch HouseTotal releases: 1
Asylum Promises imageAsylum PromisesGermanyExperimental, Industrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 6
Ataxia Lab imageAtaxia LabUSAIndustrial, Rhythmic NoiseTotal releases: 3
Ate23 imageAte23SwedenIndustrialTotal releases: 1
Atrium Carceri imageAtrium CarceriSwedenDark Ambient, IndustrialTotal releases: 20
Atropine imageAtropineNorwayEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 14
Atsushi Izumi imageAtsushi IzumiGermanyIDM, Industrial⚠ Total releases: 6
Atticus Ross imageAtticus RossUSADark Ambient, Electronic, IndustrialTotal releases: 2
Attrition imageAttritionUKDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 7
Audi Sile imageAudi SileUkraineDarkwave, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
August Skipper imageAugust SkipperGermanyAmbient, Industrial, Power ElectronicsTotal releases: 1
Author And Punisher imageAuthor And PunisherUSAIndustrialTotal releases: 8
AutoXie imageAutoXieBelgiumDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Autoclav1.1 imageAutoclav1.1UKAmbient, EBM, IDM, IndustrialTotal releases: 22
Autumns imageAutumnsIrelandEBM, Industrial, No Wave, Post-Punk, TechnoTotal releases: 19
Avi Sakorka imageAvi SakorkaGermanyElectro, Industrial, TechnoTotal releases: 2
Avoidance Corporation imageAvoidance CorporationUKIndustrialTotal releases: 7
Axiomega imageAxiomegaFranceEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 5
Axonal Warfare imageAxonal WarfareFranceEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 3
Axxon imageAxxonSouth AfricaDark Electro, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Ayarcana imageAyarcanaNew ZealandIndustrial, Rhythmic Noise, TechnoTotal releases: 4
Ayria imageAyriaCanadaBreakbeat, EBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Azotemental imageAzotementalSpainEBM, IndustrialTotal releases: 1
Aïboforcen imageAïboforcenBelgiumEBM, Futurepop, IndustrialTotal releases: 15
B R 1 0 0 2 imageB R 1 0 0 2ItalyIndustrial, TechnoTotal releases: 1
«1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... 25»
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
Forever Grey - Into The Night (2025) [Single]
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
The Funeral March Of The Marionettes - It All Falls Apart (2025)
VA - Popaganda (2025)
SURE. - Destruction Of Form (2025)
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Das Beat - Frau Fatal (2025)
Ash Code - Scar (2025) [Single]
Corpus Delicti - Dancing In The Dark (2025) [Single]
Schrödinger - Transgresión (2025) [Single]
Fragrance. - Indelible (2025) [Single]
Forever Grey - Into The Night (2025) [Single]
dAVOS - Ruin / Grado (2025)
The Ghost Aura - Dominion (2025) [Single]
No More Lullabies - Realign (2025) [EP]
The Funeral March Of The Marionettes - It All Falls Apart (2025)
VA - Popaganda (2025)
SURE. - Destruction Of Form (2025)
Ultra Sunn - The Beast In You (2025) [Single]
Merciful Nuns - Weltunter (2025) [Single]
Das Beat - Frau Fatal (2025)
All Artists
All Styles
All Albums
Industrial, Rhythmic Noise, Tribal
Dark Electro, EBM, Harsh EBM, Oldschool EBM, Electro-Industrial
Synthpop, Futurepop, Electropop, Minimal Wave, Minimal Synth, Synthwave
Gothic, Darkwave, Gothic Synth, Ethereal
Ambient, Dark Ambient
IDM, Experimental
Electronic, Electroclash, Electropunk, Downtempo, Witch House
Indie, New Wave, Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Post-Rock, Alternative Rock
Dark Folk, Neofolk, Martial Industrial, Neoclassical, Modern Classical
Gothic Rock, Death Rock
Post-Punk, Coldwave
Industrial Metal, NDH, Cyber Metal, Alternative / Modern Metal, Industrial Rock
Gothic Metal, Dark Metal, Doom / Death Metal, Symphonic Metal, Symphonic Black Metal